Five Tips in Preparation for Pilgrimage
By James and Colleen Heater

Create your own pilgrimage adventure! Increasing numbers of seekers are taking off on pilgrimage to quench a spiritual thirst. That is why James and Colleen Heater from Nevada City, California wrote The Pilgrim’s France and The Pilgrim’s Italy, as an answer to their own quest when searching for sacred sites in these two delightful countries. They have learned much from their travels and want to share the following tips with those souls seeking more meaningful travel experiences.

Don’t bite off more than you can meditate on
Plan your itinerary to include rest and relaxation. You will receive the inspiration you are seeking if you choose fewer destinations and spend more time in each one.

Practice before you go
If you find it difficult to sit quietly and meditate at home, it will be more difficult in a noisy, crowded shrine. It would be helpful to practice sitting quietly for five minutes each day and build from there.

Read about the sacred sites and saints
Read about the saints and meditate on them, so you can tune into their individual vibrations. When you reach the shrines, you will more readily feel their presence and receive their blessings.

Find quiet areas for meditation and prayer
Almost every large shrine has a side chapel for silence and prayer. Be inquisitive—ask and look around. Sometimes there is a garden courtyard or small chapel in an out-of-the-way place.

Locate lodging in monasteries and convents
It not only makes economic sense to stay in religious housing, but you will be cultivating an environment in which to spiritually spread your wings. Although you may not have the amenities of higher priced hotels, you will find the uplifting ambience you are looking for.

The Heater’s pilgrim travel guides provide vital information for visiting powerful pilgrimage sites in Italy and France, meditating on the lives of the saints, and experiencing their blessings. With up-to-date resources for lodging in monasteries and convents, you will have all you need to prepare for a bliss-filled pilgrimage. Now anyone can create their own pilgrimage adventure to the heart and soul of these two beautiful countries and be led into a world of sacred travel and personal transformation. Books are available from your local bookstore or from Amazon: Italy Book, France Book.

Publisher: Inner Travel Books
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The Pilgrim’s Italy: A Travel Guide to the Saints
ISBN 0-9719860-2-2   Price: $19.95

The Pilgrim’s France: A Travel Guide to the Saints
ISBN 0-9719860-1-0   Price: $17.95

Authors: James and Colleen Heater